Pain Reprocessing Therapy
If you are living with an illness or chronic physical pain, seeing a social worker may not seem intuitive. Understandably so - pain is usually what tells us to go to the doctor. However, there is compelling research that reworks the common cause-and-effect understanding of how pain is experienced in the body.
Due to the distinction between the parts of pain that have a “structural” and/or “neuroplastic” source, a “biopsychosocial” model for understanding chronic pain relocates pain management specifically in the domain of mental health. This is a good thing! This provides hope when medical options have run out.
are all simple to learn and practice, combining both ancient and evidence-based wisdom into easy to use, effective psychological techniques. This model also works for chronic emotional and spiritual pain.
I can help you retrain your brain to make your body a safer place for your spirit to live.